About the conference
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 22nd International and Nationwide Conference on Onomastics (MiOKO) will be held from the 14th to the 16th October 2021 at the University of Rzeszów, Poland.
The conference will be an outstanding platform of scientific discussion on research achievements and current initiatives by distinguished scholars representing different academic centres from Poland and abroad (Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, and Hungary). The meeting will be an excellent opportunity to discuss key issues, of both theoretical and practical nature, pertaining to onomastic studies.
The upcoming conference will be primarily concerned with the subject of proper names in multilingual and cross-cultural contexts. The conference themes include, but are not restricted to, the following:
- The methodology of cross-cultural onomastic research
- Proper names in borderlands (ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious) – a theoretical and communicative perspective
- Proper names across generations
- Synchronic and diachronic perspectives on trends in proper name formation
- Designata in different cultures
- The influence of formality on proper names
- Proper names in inner and outer circles
- Endogenous and exogenous perspectives on proper names (stereotypes vs auto stereotypes; puns and plays on proper names)
- Onimisation and transonimisation in borderlands
- Apelativisation, deonimisation, secondary use of proper names
- International words and onomastic universals
The meeting is addressed to professionals from various fields dealing with an academic discussion of proper names. The official languages of the conference will be Slavic and Romance languages, German, and English.
We would like to cordially invite guests from Poland and abroad! We hope that the conference will provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals to promote their achievements and to exchange ideas on the development of onomastic studies.